Tag Handler by ioncache

Tag Handler is a jQuery plugin used for managing tag-type metadata.

Basic Usage Instructions


You can download this project in either zip or tar formats.

You can also clone the project with Git by running:

$ git clone git://github.com/ioncache/Tag-Handler

Plugin Setup and Usage Examples

Note: the ajax examples are using mockjax (http://github.com/appendto/jquery-mockjax) as the backend rather than a live server.

Example 1: The Tag Handler will be initialized with no options and no default tags:


Example 2: The Tag Handler will be initialized with preset tags from the assignedTags and availableTags arrays, and autocomplete witll be turned on:

                            assignedTags: [ 'C', 'Perl', 'PHP' ],
                            availableTags: [ 'C', 'C++', 'C#', 'Java', 'Perl', 'PHP', 'Python' ],
                            autocomplete: true

Example 3: The Tag Handler will be initialized and pull data via ajax, also sending some data to the server:

                            getData: { id: 'user123', type: 'user' },
                            getURL: '/ajaxtest/get',
                            autocomplete: true

Example 4: Same as Example 3, but a different user is set in the getData/UpdateData options and now the tags will save when clicking the save button:

                            getData: { id: 'user234', type: 'user' },
                            getURL: '/ajaxtest/get',
                            updateData: { id: 'user234', type: 'user' },
                            updateURL: '/ajaxtest/update',
                            autocomplete: true

Example 5: Same as Example 4, but autoUpdate is true, tags will save automatically (no save button will be shown):

                            getData: { id: 'user234', type: 'user' },
                            getURL: '/ajaxtest/get',
                            updateData: { id: 'user234', type: 'user' },
                            updateURL: '/ajaxtest/update',
                            autocomplete: true,
                            autoUpdate: true

Example 6: The Tag Handler will be initialized but it will request the tag list when the user writes more than 2 chars (try typing in a mixed drink name for this example):

                            getData: { id: 'user345', type: 'user' },
                            getURL: '/ajaxtest/get',
                            updateURL: '/ajaxtest/update',
                            autocomplete: true,
                            initLoad: false,
                            minChars: 2

Example 7: Same as example 6, but the user cannot create new tags

                            getData: { id: 'user345', type: 'user' },
                            getURL: '/ajaxtest/get',
                            updateURL: '/ajaxtest/update',
                            autocomplete: true,
                            initLoad: false,
                            minChars: 2,
                            allowAdd: false

Example 8: Same as example 2, but there are onAdd and onDelete callbacks

                            assignedTags: [ 'C', 'Perl', 'PHP' ],
                            availableTags: [ 'C', 'C++', 'C#', 'Java', 'Perl', 'PHP', 'Python' ],
                            autocomplete: true,
                            onAdd: function(tag) { alert('Added tag: ' + tag); },
                            onDelete: function(tag) { alert('Deleted tag: ' + tag); }

Example 9: Setting maximum number of tags:

                            assignedTags: [ 'Perl' ],
                            availableTags: [ 'C', 'C++', 'C#', 'Java', 'Perl', 'PHP', 'Python' ],
                            autocomplete: true,

Plugin Methods

These are convenience methods for dealing with the Tag-Handler.

Note: clicking the example buttons will show any output as an alert and in the console.log.





Plugin Options

Tag data specific options:
Option Description Default Value
assignedTags array to pass a list of already assigned tags [ ]
availableTags array to pass a list of all available tags [ ]
getData data field with additional info for getURL {}
getURL URL for retrieving tag lists via ajax ''
initLoad indicates if all tags should be loaded on init true
updateData data field with additional info for updtateURL {}
updateURL URL for saving tags via ajax ''
Callback options:
Option Description Default Value
afterAdd function to be called after a new tag is added {}
afterDelete function to be called after a tag is deleted {}
onAdd function to be called when a new tag is added -- if a false value is returned, the add will fail {}
onDelete function to be called when a tag is deleted {}
Miscellaneous options:
Option Description Default Value
allowAdd indicates whether the user can add new tags true
allowEdit indicates whether the tag list is editable true
autocomplete activates autocomplete dropdown functionality for tag name - requires jqueryui autocomplete plugin false
autoUpdate indicates whether updating occurs automatically whenever a tag is added/deleted - if set true, the save button will not be shown false
className base class name that will be added to the tag container tagHandler
debug will turn on some console logging debug information false
delimiter extra delimiter to use to separate tags - note 'enter' and 'comma' are always allowed ''
maxTags sets a limit to the number of allowed tags, set to 0 to allow unlimited 0
minChars minimum number of chars to type before starting autocomplete 0
msgError message shown when there is an error loading the tags There was an error getting the tag list.
msgNoNewTag message shown when the user cannot add a new tag You don't have permission to create a new tag.
queryname query term used to send user typed data to the server q
sortTags sets sorting of tag names alphabetically true
Plugin Methods
Method Description Usage
getSerializedTags Will return a comma separated string of the currently assigned tags for the object. .tagHandler("getSerialzedTags")
getTags Will return an array of the currently assigned tags for the object. .tagHandler("getTags")
version Returns the version of the TagHandler (as of 1.3.0) .tagHandler("version")


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